Archive | Executive Coaching and Mentoring


Everyone has a view or an opinion on leadership. I have met and worked with some truly outstanding leaders and some who left me quite confused through ambiguity and their own lack of experience. The great leaders I know are individuals with their own way of looking at the world and their own modus operandi. […]

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Teamwork – From Group to Team

Some days are just Magic. Recently we agreed to run a one day seminar for a client’s executive management team to review their current strategy and KPIs. They were highly experienced individuals, not easily impressed, and used to working in a demanding environment. Their leader started the day by inviting them to share their expectations […]

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Corrosive Work Environments

This is a big one. We have all met someone totally shocked and often debilitated by being the victim of working in a corrosive environment. In this article I want to explore the following: What is a corrosive environment? How to determine what is the correct path for you. How to avoid the negative effect, […]

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