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Mentoring – assessing team performance

Analysis tool One of our aims is to provide you with useful tools to aid your mentoring and management processes. This tool, to quickly categorise your team’s performance, is the result of study by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith, and shows five different types of team that vary in their effectiveness. Working group A working […]

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post globe-2015

Trends in learning and development and the not-for-profit sector

Reflections 2014 The holidays are always a good time to reflect on the year’s highs, lows and learning. Here at CDA we agree that this has been a truly satisfying and rewarding year, working with organisations and individuals of immense talent and integrity. As always working with great people provides a natural environment for mutual learning […]

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Search Engine Optimisation Tips

I read an article in a Sitepoint newsletter that i subscribe to that led me to Websitegrader that’s a great free service to analyse your website effectiveness. The results of the report led me to Technorati Profile, which is a free service to promote your blog. Let’s see if it works to increase the traffic.

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