
Everyone has a view or an opinion on leadership. I have met and worked with some truly outstanding leaders and some who left me quite confused through ambiguity and their own lack of experience. The great leaders I know are individuals with their own way of looking at the world and their own modus operandi. […]

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Ten Questions to Ask About Meetings

When did you last ask yourself, “how much does this meeting cost?” Multiply the number of people at the table times their hourly rate, taking into consideration that their cost to the organisation is around 1.5 times their salary, or even more if they are being charged out . (more…)

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Teamwork – From Group to Team

Some days are just Magic. Recently we agreed to run a one day seminar for a client’s executive management team to review their current strategy and KPIs. They were highly experienced individuals, not easily impressed, and used to working in a demanding environment. Their leader started the day by inviting them to share their expectations […]

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